Sunday, July 11, 2010

Being a World Citizen

Sounds of bomb blasts are loud which can be heard from a far distance,men stand across two sides with a plain land between them ,and proudly say i'm fighting for my own country and people.Did they forget that they are killing other beings of same breed?,they are saying my country men,are all the people are good in their country?.No,not all are good ,at the same time not all are bad,then why should they have to fight.The animals do follow some rule while hunting ,they go after other animals only when they are hungry but we fight in the desire of gold ,money,some times saying in the name of god.Even animals come together when they are attacked by some other animals,what about us,instead coming together we are killing each other.This is not correct for the history of earth.Right in the begining they fought for luxuries and in the lust of gold.But now we have to think about the welfare of common public but not for the power.
Atleast now it is the responsibility of a common public that is us, to wake up and awake all others. When everybody is talking of peace and good then where the path is wrong,it is in the way u follow it.Just think of the people around u,though u cant make any changes in single ,u can make it with the help of other hands .Make ur decision correct in choosing ur leaders ,if u do so then they will be taking all the concepts in to consideration ,for the people all over.Supporting ur country when the war taking place is right ,but at the same time u should also think consequences after the war.Simple word "VICTORY" makes u proud of ur country but what about the families of the persons ,who sacrificed their lives in making u proud.For a while let us stop thinking as a citizen of our country and start thinking as a "WORLD CITIZEN".Becoming a good citizen of a country is not a great isuue but becoming a citizen of a world is great.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tomorrow without gifts

The theories were framed about the origin of the universe and the scientists are trying to prove them.Interest to know about the origin and the history of earth is increasing day by day,though they may be revealed or not but it is our duty to be with the future where we and our next generations will be living .Leave the history to the archaeology department and be with the present, think about future.We have forests,rivers,minerals,natural resources gifted to us by this beautiful nature,what about our next generations shouldn't they enjoy all these gifts by nature .Changes are continous from the begining of history, we r using all the resources from centuries had we ever thought of restoring them-NO,dis is ur answer,even u say yes u cant do it.Because these resources are not man made but they are gifted to us by this nature.Atleast now we have torecognize this and try to stop exploiting all the resources.Let us use public transport atleast in the weekends so that a single unit of petrol may be saved,let us turn off the lights when they are not in use,let us dont waste water in letting the tap free with a repair just done it there itself,let us take care of plants though u dont plant them,atlest try not to remove them,just take care u dont waste the valuable gifts to us.Mother Theresa once said "the ocean would be less with atleast single drop of water",So,let us follow the saying and try to reduce the usage of resources atleast by a drop which would helpful for the next generations.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Gadgets every where

Technology made life easier than the past,it doesnt matter what inventions were made
but it is for the ease of human life.combination of all the branches of science today
leading a way to the new branch of sciences.However the technology improvements lead to the invention of new devices also known as "GADGETS".All the electronic gadgets available in the market today are not there yesterday,but i can say they may not exist
tomorrow because there place will be occupied by the new gadgets.Enjoy all the features of the gadgets which are meant for us.The gadgets which occupied the hearts of millions of people are iphone,black berry mobiles,sony play stations,ipods,viewpods,googles android phones,sony rolly-a robotic mp3 player etc.,above given are the few examples of the gadgets which are in top for the year 2009.In 2010 samsung has released a mobile phone "sprint" which is a 4G phone.Lets enjoy the gift of science in the form of
Gadgets using all its features.Hey just dont stick to the old gadgets try all new ones
in the market.

New era of computing

Computing made a human out of his natural stress ,as the Technology increased the hand of computing also increased by an edge.Now every where we hear the term"cloud computing" which
means computing on cloud,though it is not the exact meaning of it .It is like computing made possible on the internet reducing the cost overhead incurred with the software and the professionals availability.However,it is going to bring a tremendous change in the world of
computing.The key idea behind Cloud Computing is form the "MicroSoft" the world software
products producer.Let us see the innovations it is bringing with Cloud Computing.